Friday, June 5, 2015

Staff Service Day at Neighbors Together

In order to make an effective change in a community, you have to be willing to physically be a part of that change. Each month, the staff at the Brownsville Community Justice Center dedicate one day out of the month to performing a day of community service. Projects have ranged from painting over graffiti on Belmont Ave. as part of our Belmont Revitalization Project to performing outreach in the community for upcoming events. During the month of May, we had the pleasure of volunteering at the community café at Neighbors Together. Neighbors Together has been a staple in the Brownsville, Ocean Hill, and Bedford Stuyvesant  communities for over 30 years. Not only are they a soup kitchen, providing hot meals to an average of 400 people each day, but they also provide other social service assistance as well.
BCJC Staff at Neighbors Together. From left: Deron Johnston, Lisa Bernard, Jasmine Bowie, Jonathan Smith, Norah Covarrubias, Kellen Felmine, James Brodick, Titus Haynes, Elizabeth Farias, Brian Cousin, Erika McSwain, and Erica Mateo

The BCJC staff assisted in the community café, distributing hot meals to the residents of the community, helping to clean and maintain the café area, conducting surveys to help expand the services Neighbors Together offers, or was simply an open ear for someone sitting in the café to talk to. Many of the staff expressed that this was one of the most humbling and enjoyable days of service we have done so far! We would like to thank Neighbors Together for opening their doors to us for the day! 
Staff helping to distribute the food in Neighbors Together Community Cafe
Deron helping out in the kitchen

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